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The Series of Love and Dating in my College.

For the past 5 years i could see a very fast development in India not mentioning the Economic side but lifestyle of indians. When we talk about cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai activities like dating etc been very familiar especially with teens and youths. You could even see teens who in the age range of 14-18 hang around the corners of lal-bagh park in bangalore, seem to date regurarly. But when comparing all this metro-city styles, the news about my college wont make you feel about anything big…

From my childhood i’ve studied in co-educational institutions and that make no sense of feeling for talking with girls.. or do i really need one to date with but when comparing others in college, its only been a week since our college started and i could see some of my friends proposed their love. That sounds funny, but in other side it may seriously hurt their education since a love that arised in a week must only be an infacutation and not the true love.

Most of the Girls are beautiful in my college except my class, thats a very disappointment and the pharse below comes true in my case.

99% of all Girls are beautiful the remaining 1% are not in my college but in my class

Well although i take wise decision before proposing or i dont have the need to but yet i feel like beautiful girls will boost my studies ! Confused on how they will boost my education ? Yeah its a simple logic, when you are surrounded by beautiful girls, you dont want to give up in any thing, stuffs and things we do to impress them turn to be creative, on other side and we always wanted to make ourself big before them which induces me to study well before them.

Usually its hard to say that you won’t fall in love, i mean its easy to say but following it usually depends on some factors. Maybe i have not yet falled in .. i want your comments on it…


9 responses to “The Series of Love and Dating in my College.”

  1. Yeah.. Same problem here 🙁


  2. Don’t lose hope man. Studies first 🙂

    I agree with you, I know it’s hard concentrating on studies (especially for people of my age) with all those beautiful women. But remind yourself what your goal in life is.

  3. oh dude ,U ned not try hard for girls
    Girls just love intelligence and u have plenty
    just focus on ur edu and career and u wld be surrounded with pleas
    All the Best 🙂

  4. thanks souji and by the way heard you started a blog, give me the url of your blog !

  5. hi sanker,,now its not the time for u to think of girls…but only studies and career..if ur in a good position good girls will automatically surround you..ok enjoy

  6. yeah jyothi ! thats what i have in mind…… If we win in love life passes but if we win in life girls pass around us..

  7. hi m single wanna a good female friend.

  8. Brealer avatar

    Delhi Girls are easy, including married ones. I was having a conversation with a close female friend about dating. During this conversation she said and I quote “It perfectly normal to cheat on your boy friend. If you get board just sleep with another guy. Even after marriage people get board and in Indian society its perfectly fine and exceptable to sleep around even if you are involved.”

  9. @ Brealer

    really true ! its hard to find genuine relationship and girls 🙂

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