Are you a genius? If you think this is a silly question and doesn’t deserve to ask for, then let me test how genius you are.
Actually I am not genius enough to test others but I have three great puzzles that could surely make you understand your capability. I came across these three fantastic puzzle called The Riddles of Sphinx, Enigma and a simple one called Hacker Puzzle that will surely make you insane….lol.
Ok for a start let me explain from the beginning level of these puzzle.
Test your level 1 with Hacker Puzzle:
Hacker puzzle is all about thinking like a hacker. You have to use your common sense to navigate to 23 pages from the first one. The trick is to go to find the way to each page where you will get hints for next page. My say is that you don’t even need to be a hacker to solve this easy puzzle.
Solved the first one? Ok! But don’t conclude yourself as genius until you finish the other 2 puzzles.
Level 2 with Enigma:
Enigma is a puzzle game inspired by the enigma machines used by Nazis before and during World War II to encrypt and decrypt secret messages. So your talent hides in decrypting each page and passing successfully to next level. You should be a geek to win this game. Absolutely ardent knowledge in technology is recommended to touch this game.
Level3 with the Sphinx:
Finished the second level? Hmmm. Ok! Take the final test that proves you as genius. The riddle of Sphinx is a puzzle which requires an Extra Terrestrial Intelligence to win. Developed by students of Anna University this game is about breaking codes using the available and hidden resources in the page. My recommendations are to use Google search as your weapon and also source codes of the page to break things well.
Feel free to share your status and discuss about the puzzle in comments!
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