Beware! Don’t get cheated in Petrol Pumps

Nowadays everyone has their one vehicle either it may be car or bike, but this makes your need to visit petrol pumps everyday to fuel up. Since the fast growing automobile population and demand for fuel enriches the petrol pump revenues, there is another stream of underground cheats going around in both major and minor cities around India. The technique or cheat seemed to be a black trick way of stealing your valuable penny without your consent. According to my research more than 100 customers in each city have been cheated by this trick including me. These cheats have been playing around with or without the petrol pump owner’s concern.

No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master. -Hunter S. Thompson (1939)

Behind the scene:

How actually these workers in petrol pumps cheat you? Its basically the mode of tactics that when you want to fuel up your vehicle for more than 100 rupees you tend to say in your usual low voice to fill up the tank for same but the worker intentionally seem like unheard and fills up the tank just for 40 or below. So you began to argue him that you wanted it up for 100 or something you asked. This time the worker just presses up a non functional button in the machine showing you up like he was tarring up the count but it remains the same and he fills up the other 60 rupees saying that he has already filled up for forty. You pay him 100 rupees for petrol worth 60 rupees. Also some of them turn your attention down by talking some interesting subjects turning your attention away from the counter. This is all happening because of poor technical knowledge and unawareness of the people.

How to be protective from their cheats?

Be narrow and cautious while in the petrol bunk and do aware about the counts in the machine. Be frank and bold to ask about your queries. Don’t get diverted or give attention to their talks. Follow the quote Cut and Rate. This is your rights and no one’s gonna kick you out. Feel free to complaint to the nearest police station or the petrol bunk owner about the cheat. If none of them works then blog about it like I do so that people will be aware about it.






One response to “Beware! Don’t get cheated in Petrol Pumps”

  1. Kandarpa avatar

    After all it is your hard earned money .If u dont bother about, any Tom can cheat u. Am I right.

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